Friday 22 February 2008

Obama's Yes We Can Message

These days people all over the world are following the US primaries' season. I also keep my eye on progress. Having spotted this viral video featuring song performed by and various artists in support of Obama I couldn't help but watched the infamous New Hampshire concession speech when he delivered Yes We Can message (see below).

Obama genuinely seems to be the most inspirational and gifted orator without doubt in this campaign. Yet the question is who will better run the country. Of course, this ability is not determined by the insightful and brilliantly delivered speeches but by substance and experience. It seems to me that Obama is on the wrong side in these points. As Gerald Baker writes in Times Obama's policy proposals strike the chord with the far-Left wing of the Democrat party. His wife, Michelle, said on this week that during this campaign it was the first time she felt proud about America. So she is about as patriotic as your fellow European could be. This is quite unusual in the USA, it must be said.
What worries me most about Obama is his foreign policy proposals. While making fair judgement about faltering American image in the world, he derives from it wrong conclusions. America must show leadership and resolve, unifying her allies to fight the common threats. Yet Obama proposes some kind of strategic retreat and suggests giving decision power to the obsolete and ineffective UN. Without doubt Iraq War was a great mistake of Bush administration but when the US are already in, it is quite unreasonable to go away leaving Iraq in the mess of possible civil war (now effectively stopped by the 'surge') and vulnerable to attacks from neighbouring Iran.
Our fight with terrorism is the question of our survival and being 'soft' does not greatly enhance our chances for victory. As American own history has showed, freedom and democracy are values worth to stand by. As FDR said Yes We Can Win on behalf of American people to Hitler's challenge, so today's world leaders (and American in the first line) should say on behalf of their people Yes We Can Win to fundamentalist challenge.

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